Reporter Interviews

Our Supporter 2 Reporter classes continue and we’re already on to Week 4 – Reporter Interviews. Each class has spent time learning about what constitutes news, how to gather news and interviewing top tips.

Through plenty of lively discussion we made sure everyone had a unique question to ask our guest reporter. James Moody, Media Executive here at Glanford Park, generously agreed to be interviewed and sat in the hot seat for our pupils from Alkborough Primary, Lincoln Gardens Primary and Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue.

Each group did very well and asked James a number of interesting and probing questions. James in turn gave some great insightful answers about his career and his top tips for interviewing members of the Iron squad. This was followed by an impromptu autograph session!

After each interview our pupils created a newspaper article detailing what they had learnt.

When they return after half term they will put their newfound knowledge into practice and interview some United players. Everyone is quite excited about that!

Steve Parsons